EA updates Madden 09 cover art with Jets clad Favre

If you’re a fan of the Madden franchise then I’m sure you were wondering what would happen with the 09 cover after Favre was traded from the Packers to the Jets and I wondered the same thing. What was EA going to do? Surely they wouldn’t send the game out with Favre clad in a Packers uniform, right? There’s a bit of discrepancy between what Kotaku and WhoamItosay are reporting, though. Kotaku is saying that you can download the box art and print it out yourself while WhoamItosay (who was privy to the box art) is reporting that Wal*Mart stores will have them by noon tomorrow. I, personally, would want the Packers cover for posterity. Favre will always be a Packer to me.

Madden Jets Cover via Kotaku

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