Zvents Beefs Up Board With Former Yahoo Local Chief Paul Levine

Zvents, a local events network, announced the addition of Paul Levine, the former General Manager of Yahoo Local (and current VP Marketing at Adbrite) to their board of directors this morning.

Zvents first launched in 2005 and has raised just over $7 million in venture capital. The site gathers events from around the web (and directly from partners) and suggests activities based on what you want to do (concert, theater, etc.) and when you want to do it. It also powers the recently launched Yellow Pages iPhone App.

Before Levine started his current position at Adbrite, he was in charge of the Yahoo Local product that included services such as yellow pages, local search, and maps and grew to 20 million monthly visitors.

Zvents has been in quiet mode for the last year or so, but they’ve been growing and recently surpassed competitor eventful by some measures.

More news should be coming from the company shortly.

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