3D Realms calls E3 ‘irrelevant,’ won't show Duke Nukem Forever there

Mythological developer 3D Realms wants you all to know that work on Duke Nukem Forever continues at an acceptable pace. So acceptable, in fact, that its CEO Scott Miller used the phrase “seriously nicely” to describe progress.

But it gets even better! The same Miller, when asked whether or not 3D Realms would be using this year’s “E3” to show off the game, laughed a mighty laugh.

It’s just that we view E3 as irrelevant nowadays. In fact, I wasn’t even aware it was coming up.

Words that infuriate Peter and Devin, no doubt, who will be pretending to work from the show floor if a few weeks’ time. Maybe the airline will loose Peter’s bags again, and we can tease him some more.

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