2012: the year Blu-Ray will overcome DVD sales

Make no mistake, Blu-Ray is making headway, but the fact is that people will do everything they can to extend the life of their old collection. I know I’m pretty attached to my special editions of Fight Club, Rushmore and Jin-Roh, and like most people I don’t feel like shelling out for a new version which may or may not look that much better depending on how picky you are. But that doesn’t stop the Entertainment Merchants Association from predicting that Blu-Ray sales will top DVD sales in 2012.

Of course, the so-called HD revolution is a much costlier one than the DVD one was, and especially now when food and gas are so expensive, few of the Wal-Mart crowd have $2000 to drop on a whole new setup. If 9 million Blu-Ray discs were sold this year, then even if that number doubles itself every year, it’ll be a close thing to eclipse DVD sales. Anyway, as commenters rightly pointed out, in five years we’ll likely hardly be buying discs at all. So while I applaud their optimism, I’m afraid it may be unwarranted.

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