Come home to roost: Apple's reputation may stymie its success in the business market

Good God, yet another publication chiming in on the question, “Will the iPhone 3G be a hit in the enterprise crowd?”

Fortune examines Apple’s prospects in the business world, and comes away with the opinion that Apple will have its work cut out for it. It seems Apple has a bad reputation among business for several reason. Its flashy image isn’t necessarily what big business wants in a corporate environment. The secretive nature of its product development also upsets the business crowd, which likes to know well ahead of time exactly what its options are. Nothing more than conventional wisdom, really.

What was sorta interesting is how bullish AT&T plans to be with the iPhone 3G. The exclusive provider of the cellphone will market it to more than 120,000 companies.

All of this, and we already know how many of you in the IT field think about Apple and the iPhone.

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