Tecmo allegedly owes employees $77,000 in back pay

Trouble at Tecmo? The Japanese video game house, already facing one lawsuit from ex-exployee Tomonobu Itagaki (the strange-looking fellow who always wears sunglasses and thinks Dead or Alive sold well on the merit of its gameplay), now faces another lawsuit. Two employees filed suit against the corp yesterday, claiming that it illegally placed them on something called “flexible hours” four years ago. As such, the duo feel they are owed some $77,000 in back pay.

The duo says that more than 100 hours of unpaid overtime are due to the corp’s more than 300 employees.

Sorta reminds me of that whole “EA Spouse” story from a few years ago, which gave message board folk ample opportunity to hate on EA (some more).

As with every labor-management post I write, I close with a link to Lisa Simpson singing a stirring protest song against the nuclear power plant.

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