Sling releases concept iPhone app

A man named MegaZone (his real name, which, thinking about it, is really cool, like Cher in a Gundam suit) emailed us explaining that he now represents Sling and wanted to share with us the news that Sling has created a version of its software for the iPhone. You, too, can even take a look. He writes:

We have a proof of concept version of SlingPlayer Mobile already running on ‘jail broken’ iPhones.  We’ll be holding live demonstrations of this client on the iPhone and iPod Touch for those attending the WWDC.  Product Manager Vicky Shum will be at the Starbucks at 120 4th Street, San Francisco (across from the Metreon) between 10:00 and 16:00 (10am and 4pm) on Monday, June 9th.  So if you’ll be in town attending WWDC, please stop by for an SPM demo.  The demos are open to all comers, so please feel free to invite your readers to drop in as well.  We do ask that you hold this news under embargo until midnight Eastern/9pm Pacific tonight.

We do not intend to make this available to customers, it is a proof of concept.  We are looking forward to the iPhone SDK becoming publicly available this week and fully intend to develop SlingPlayer Mobile using the SDK and are looking forward to selling it through the iTunes store.  We started the development process before the SDK was available to characterize the performance of the platform and ensure that we could deliver a high quality customer experience on the iPhone & iPod Touch platforms. The results have been very promising and we are eagerly awaiting the SDK’s release so we can hopefully leverage what we have done already to deliver SlingPlayer Mobile for iPhone

Thanks, MegaZone. good luck at Sling.

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