1989 Honda CRX named ‘Ultimate Apocalypsemobile’

We know you’ve all been waiting a long time for the results to come in, but Wired has named the 1989 Honda CRX HF the “Ultimate Apocalypsemobile,” citing the car’s great cargo capacity, simple and reliable engine design, and great gas mileage – 50 miles per gallon, to be exact.

If Wired’s recommendation isn’t enough to persuade you, Carsurvey.org also has a bunch of reviews, most calling the ‘89 CRX things like “best small car ever made” and “a real little ripper” and saying it has “mind-bending handling.”

You can pick up a used 1989 CRX for well under $10,000 if you look around a bit – many are around the $5,000 to $7,500 range. Small price to pay for apocalyptic mobility, if you ask me.

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