Rumor: iPhone app store ready to go at conclusion of WWDC keynote on Monday

We’re guessing that Monday’s Apple WWDC Keynote will bring news of the iPhone 2 as well as a launch date for the iPhone apps store, but CNET has it on good authority from someone within Apple that the app store itself will be ready to open as soon as Steve’s keynote is done.

Other rumors indicate that the iPhone 2 will also be available on Monday, but we see a Friday launch as far more plausible as that’s when Apple has launched iPhone-class products before, usually at 6PM so nobody skips work (no, really).

We think it could go either way, though, as Apple is known to throw us curveballs often. While most of us here have iPhones or iPod Touches, and would welcome the apps store, we just hope it’s ready for prime time, as well as the new iPhone. We don’t want anything to ruin iPhone 2 month.

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