Oh No He Didn't

Blaine Cook, the former Chief Architect of Twitter, takes a shot at his former company today complaining, of all things, Twitter downtime.

The only trouble is, the feature he’s complaining about hasn’t failed, it’s been taken down by Twitter along with other measures to reduce overall stress on the platform. The same platform that Blaine built and that is occasionally seen live and functioning on the Internet, that is.

I’m all for trashing Twitter when they go down (it’s turning into something of a hobby for me), but its just plain weird for Cook to be doing it. Even more so when he gets the facts wrong.

The official on the record story between Cook and Twitter is that he left on good terms, everything was amicable, needed to move to the UK for his partner’s career move, etc. The unofficial off the record story is that he was shown the door so that Twitter could get down to building something that could scale. Many more comments like this, and Twitter may fire back.

On a side note, Twitter’s doing an excellent job of actually communicating with users all of a sudden. Good for them, it was much needed.

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