Hands on with the $188K Steinway Lyngdorf stereo: For the oligarch in you

Steinway & Sons, the famous piano maker, has been working with high-end Danish audio manufacturer Lyngdorf to produce co-branded stereo systems that you would probably sell your first-born for. The model I demoed today, the Model D, is a massive speaker and head combo that costs $188,000 — up, due to the current economic crisis, from $150,000. That’s right: for the price of a house in Glendale, you can outfit your home with one of the crispest sounding systems I’ve heard in a while.

The speaker set I saw and head unit was quite handsome, clad in piano black wood and brass. The remote control — which costs $7000 — is basically a big metal dial with a red light on it. It was damn cool, but it still costs more than my car.

Overall, the sound was great. There was excellent separation in all of the instruments, whether it was a classical piece or Fleetwood Mack. They turned it up quite a bit and the audio stayed strong and crisp throughout.

Each system is made by hand out of Steinway wood and hand lacquered for an amazing finish. You can pick colors to match your “music room” or go for the standard black gloss.

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