More public mobile Wi-Fi rollin' out

An informal survey by the American Public Transport Association has shown an increase in public Wi-Fi on commuter buses in over 20 cities.

Cities offering Wi-Fi now include San Francisco, Austin, and Boston, among others. However, there are still many cities that have yet to jump on to the public Wi-Fi bandwagon. The Washington D.C. Metropolitan Transit Authority has said that it has no plans to begin offering Wi-Fi on public transport.

Buses aren’t the only public transport to get the Wi-Fi treatment. The Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority has begun to add Wi-Fi access to its commuter trains as well as its buses, which personally makes me very happy to live in Boston. There are also plans in New York City to add access to the city’s 277 subway stations over the coming years.

The addition of Wi-Fi has been very well received by commuters all over the US. I’m most excited by the increased number of locations where I can be RickRoll’d.

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