Holy crap, look at this weird-ass tandem bike

Believe it or not, I’m actually not into the tandem bicycling scene. Not at all, to be completely honest with you. I don’t know if I’ve ever ridden a bicycle built for two. I’ve seen them. I’ve read about them. I understand that there are two riders instead of one. But beyond that, I’m just not into the tandem bicycling scene. Not at all.

If you’re into it, though, you should check out this tandem bike that allows you to face your loved one or your same-sex co-worker, depending upon where and when you’re riding the bike. It was invented by a Taiwanese guy who’s currently “in negotiations with factories to have it mass-produced,” according to the Daily Times — A new voice for a new Pakistan.

The bike took one year to build and the inventor says…

“The bicycle is very easy to change. Any person can change the riding mode in around 10 seconds without the help of tools. Face-to-face is suitable for a parent and child, or dating couples, while the back-to-back mode gives both riders a good view, and the one at the back can have both hands free to shoot pictures or eat snacks.”

Oh, so that’s cool. You can eat snacks on it. Maybe I’ll get into the tandem bicycling scene after all. Also, you can turn it around for back-to-back mode for when you’re riding to lunch with your same-sex co-worker. This guy’s got all the angles covered.


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