WeColumn Launches A Blogging Widget

During the taping of Diggnation at the Next Web conference today in Amsterdam, Tobias van Telligen, an enterprising CEO of a Dutch startup bum rushed the stage and got in a plug for the Website he just launched today: WeColumn. He also bought 75 beers for the audience. That 150 Euros ($235) was marketing dollars well spent. Afterwards, also came and told me about his new Website.

WeColumn falls in between a regular blog and a micro-blog. You write a paragraph or two about a specific topic that you think others may be interested in and then other blogs or sites can embed the text as a widget on their own sites. For instance, Telligen’s own WeColumn (in Dutch) is about surf conditions in the North Sea. Other Dutch surf sites, such as the Holland Surfing Association re-skins the text and puts it up on their site.

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