
This morning I got my Newsletter and despite the fact that the page anchors don’t work in Gmail, I read (skimmed) the first paragraph and decided to try the service they were promoting, Jott.

The link in the email took me to a Palm page with a longer article that I didn’t actually read and no quick and easy way to get to what ever Jott was going to make me do to use it (sign up or download whatever).

A quick Google search and I was on Jott’s website, cleverly called
Set up was easy, nothing to download. First and last name, email, password, and telephone number. Then a confirmation email, then you are asked to place a call to a 866 number to set up your phone.

With the email and phone confirmed, an automated lady voice at the other end of the phone asks you to make your first Jott, which unless you have already added contact thru the web interface is to yourself. In true geek fashion, she recommends sending yourself “Hello world”. Original. I spoke into my phone, sent my self a message, easily set up a reminder (which texted and emailed me at a set time). So far so good. This could actually be useful.

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