Gartner recommends iPhone for business users, fish food for fish

Gartner Research, in a stunning reversal, says that the iPhone is great for business, at least when firmware 2.0 hits. Their reasoning? Well, Steve said it was so.

“In its initial release, the iPhone was, with few exceptions, an Internet tablet with browser-based applications as its main offering, however, the release of firmware 2.0 changes that, enabling enterprises to develop local code and create applications that do not depend on network capabilities,” said Ken Dulaney, vice president and distinguished analyst at Gartner. “The iPhone will thus match up initially in several segments against its main smartphone competitors — BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Symbian Series 60.”

As a distinguished blogger, I will have to agree with Ken’s assessment, made just in the nick of time. I expect fleets of iPhones to begin shipping in the next few days as IT companies totally retool their email, VPN, and file systems to work with the iPhone as seamlessly as Windows does with WinMo. It’ll be hard, but if Gartner says it then it must be so.

Analysts recommend iPhone for enterprise use [InfoWorld]

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