eBooks: One with a dog and one like a Mac Classic

That’s a pretty big screen, ladies and gentlemen. The one on the left there, with the dog — it’s almost ten inches! Guess what else? It’s got built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth and it uses electronic ink, has 4GB of storage, and lasts 5000 pages on a single charge. I’d actually buy it if I knew how to accomplish such a task (more on that later).

Then there’s the dumpy one on the right. It’s for babies. No wireless connectivity of any type, only 128MB of memory, and just a 6-inch screen. It uses e-ink too, though, so that’s good. And I bet it costs a lot less than the cool looking one with the awesome dog picture. I’m sorry I said it was for babies.

Both play music files and I hope the dog one features some sort of web browser. They’re made in Taiwan by a company called Netronix and I have no idea when they’ll be available or how much they’ll cost, unfortunately. We’ll keep you posted, though.

Product Page [Netronixinc.com] via Techfresh.net

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