Nine Inch Nails confirms album's official release on BitTorrent trackers


Good ol’ Nine Inch Nails officially released its latest album on The Pirate Bay, and An account named “NIN” uploaded the 320kbps, LAME-encoded album on the private torrent trackers and “NINOfficial” on TPB. The band’s rep told TorrentFreak, which has quickly become the go-to source for all my BT news, that it knows its users are hip to technology. What better way to have the fans listen to the album than upload it to the biggest torrent trackers?

If you recall during that whole OiNK debacle last autumn, Trent Reznor admitted to using the Pink Palace.

While the first of four parts were officially uploaded by the band, the other three have wound up online as well.

If you’re looking to throw the band a few dollars, they’ve made the entire album available for $5.

Comparisons will be made toRadiohead, sure, but Radiohead didn’t encode its release with LAME at 320kbps, nor officially upload it to BitTorrent trackers. By the looks of it, NIN seems to “get” this whole Internet distribution thing. All we’ll need now are some numbers showing how much the band makes off the paid download.

NIN Confirms Uploads to Public and Private Torrent Sites [TorrentFreak]

Ghosts [NIN]

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