The new crop of digital photo frames


Mr. Pogue at the Times today has a little roundup of digital photo picture frames. He tries out the eMotion, Parrot DF7220, Kodak EasyShare EX1011, eStarling Digital Wireless, Momento 100, PanDigital WiFi Picture Frame and SmartParts SP8PRT.

The main thesis here is that all of those frames are much improved over previous years’ incarnations. For the most part, resolutions are no longer lousy and you’ll find more than one way to send pictures to them, be it with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, a USB Flash drive or memory card. Pogue was particularly impressed with the Kodak dealie (pictured)—you can set up a photo album on Kodak’s Web site and the frame will automatically grab them via Wi-Fi. He also sees the SmartParts as doing well, primarily because it incorporates a printer. That way, you can stuff your precious memories in your wallet, only to be taken out at reunions and the like.

Prices for these frames have come down, too, with most falling within a $150-$250 price range. I wonder, though, that if picture frames are about decoration as much as anything how many people can afford to line their walls with the digital ones. My house growing up had dozens of picture frames and I’m pretty sure they didn’t all cost $150 a pop.

A New Generation of Digital Picture Frames [New York Times]

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