Palm's Treo 800w starting to come together

[photopress:treo800wleak.jpg,full,left]Way back two weeks ago, during the Bill Gates keynote at CES, we noted a mysterious Treo-like device was in part of his presentation. There was no attention called to the device, it was just there, and most people in the audience didn’t really notice it. But we did, we’re bloggers, it’s what we do.

I couldn’t get anyone from MS to comment on the device’s inclusion in the Powerpoint presentation, nor anyone from Palm, who were mystified themselves. But it appears to have been an early look at the Treo 800w, a rumored device that’s apparently getting close to launch.

According to canards that are circulating, the 800w will be a Windows Mobile smartphone in a Centro-styled body, but that’s about where the similarities with the inexpensive Palm OS-based smartphone end end.

The 800w will rock Wi-Fi, a 2-Megapixel picture taker, Bluetooth 2.0, MicroSD, and Mini USB, a first for a Palm smartphone.

No real definitive date on shipping, but it looks to be soon, likely within the next 60 days. We’ll keep you updated here.

More Treo 800w Details Surface? [WM Experts]

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