Facebook IM Client Social.im Now Available For Mac

Two weeks ago I wrote about Social.im, a new desktop product from Mogad that allows you to instant message with all of your Facebook friends. The initial software was Windows only. Today they just launched a way for Mac users to use it, too.

This isn’t a Mac client, but they’ve provided instructions for using Social.im via ichat or Adium (a popular Mac instant message aggregator). I was not able to configure it properly for iChat, but it’s humming on Adium.

CEO Yanda Erlich says a full Mac client is coming soon – this is just an interim solution. It lacks most of the functionality of the Windows version, like message and friend notifications. But it is still an excellent way to chat with Facebook friends.

[And back in October TechCrunch UK wrote about FriendVox, another IM interface into Facebook]

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