Streaming Internet radio coming soon to PSP

With the update to firmware 3.80, the Sony PSP becomes a streaming Internet radio device. Screen shots of the software, which is “powered by Shoutcast,” are currently floating around the Internet and only provide the smallest of details, like better OPML and image handling in RSS. The “fun” details, like when we can expect a U.S. release or just what the relation is between Sony and Shoutcast, aka AOL, are nowhere to be found as yet.

Before I lost my PSP’s battery charger, I was rocking one of those hacked firmware that let you play all sorts of “homebrew” on it, which made taking the stupid train infinitely more agreeable. I’d have to wait till the hacked ones include the radio software before upgrading.

PSP Getting Internet Radio (Maybe Direct Downloads) [Zatz Not Funny via Orbitcast]

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