WetPaint White Labels For Businesses And Brands

Hosted wiki provider WetPaint has launched a new white label wiki service called “Just Add Wetpaint”, which lets businesses buy a customized version of their wiki platform (starting around $10,000). In at most 14 days, the company can pump out a customized community around a product. The communities are hosted by WetPaint on your domain, and share a common login with the rest of the over 600,000 wikis in the WetPaint community.

It may seem trite, but thousands of people are already creating unofficial wikis or joining communities (like fanpop) to talk about shows and products they love. Just Add Wetpaint gives businesses an easy way to generate an official community, as has been done with CSI, Dexter, Tmobile, the always-awesome Myth Busters, and even Oracle.

However, the move buts heads with other white label offerings (these) going after consumer brand communities, most notably Ning and Flux. Companies looking to launch their own communities will have to choose between the offerings (wikis and social networks).

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