PS3 to get Blu-Ray update for picture-in-picture

Sony’s console will be getting its Blu-ray firmware updated to version 1.1 later this month, allowing for picture-in-picture functionality and support for discs which require it. I don’t think anyone was clamoring for this just yet, seeing as there is only one disc, the German Neues vom Wixxer, which takes advantage of the 1.1 features. It’s intended to allow for a video commentary track, although personally I could do without Peter Jackson or R. Kelly talking to my face while I watch a movie or “Trapped in the Closet.” The update also adds support for some secondary audio and video decoders, though I’m sure that will be less useful than it sounds. I’ll wait until they have an update that puts hair on my chest.

Sony exec confirms PS3 will get Blu-ray Profile 1.1 this month [The Register]

The ever-helpful Heise online has some more info on that German movie that uses the 1.1 features. It actually looks kind of cool – check it out, and here’s a screencap (the article has the original resolution one):

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