Channel 4 launches widget contest

Platform 4, best described as the geeky arm of UK TV station Channel 4, has announced a widget contest at the WidgetyGoodness conference in Brighton today.

The broadcaster is offering £1500 to the most creative mash-up of Channel 4’s Film4 RSS feeds. Two runners up will also get £250. They will create a gallery of all the mash-ups received that meet the judging criteria. The full guidelines of the competition are outlined here. The submission deadline is 10th January 2008 at 5:00pm. And winners will be announced on 8th February 2008. First prize is £1500 cash with two runners-up prizes of £250 cash each. As an example of the kind of application that can be created using the film site’s content, have a look at the Movie Tag Facebook application, created by Nooked.

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