Solar-powered taxi making its way around the world

Fueled by a 65-square foot trailer covered with solar panels, this three-wheeled, two-seat taxi is making its way around the world without stopping for gas. It was developed by a Swiss teacher named Louis Palmer and the whole taxi thing is more or less a gimmick, although he is actively picking people up and giving them free rides. Palmer says that if the car were to be mass produced, it would likely cost less than $9000 to build. Its top speed is 55 miles per hour and the car is 30 feet long when you factor in the trailer on the back.

Palmer had to begrudgingly remove his "Gas, Grass, or Ass — Nobody Rides for Free" bumper sticker and replace it with a less edgy "Sun, Fun, or Buns — Everyone Rides for Free" window cling. The previous sentence may or may not be true.

Solar-powered taxi seeks to go around world [Reuters]

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