Free startup advice and a career in reality TV awaits…

Now here’s an interesting opportunity. One day in a December entrepreneur and former BBC Dragons Den judge Doug Richard (pictured) will be interviewing very young startups who have web companies that think they could go big. Very big. But don’t go whipping out your NDA. You’re going to be filmed, potentially for a new TV show.

Doug emailed me to say: “I will be arranging an informal pitching morning and from that I will choose one company who will have the opportunity to spend the rest of the day with me reviewing their business plan in detail.” He will give them “all the assistance” he can to make the plan bullet proof and then introduce them to potential partners and funders. It might be added that Mr Richard has backed a few tech firms in the past, is the founder and chairman of Library House, and founder and vice-chairman of the Cambridge Angels network. He’s currently backing mobile startup Trutap, among others. So not exactly inexperienced.

The entire day will be filmed by the BBC but it will not air on television. At least yet. Why? Because it’s the pilot for a show, code-named “The Next Big Thing”. There is no date for this opportunity as yet but anyone interested should email and mention that you heard this from TechCrunch UK. And I guess I may as well add that startups can also get in touch with TechCrunch, but alas we don’t have a TV station. Yet.

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