Hands on with the LG Voyager

The Voyager is the one on the right

Well, it’s been a few weeks since I last saw the LG Voyager and I have to admit that it’s way better than I originally thought. Maybe it was the lighting and the lack of time I had with the device, but I sort of like it now. The touchscreen is pretty responsive and it’s way lighter than you’d think considering its size. Expect a full review next week, but here are a few quick thoughts to ponder. The camera seems to have AF, but I haven’t had checked the specs so it could just be something wonky Verizon/LG threw on there. Picture quality is great from the few tests shots I had and the speakers are very good. The UI is simple to navigate. I don’t particularly like that I have use the side lock button to lock the phone (the orange button on the side). I really like that I can jump from one screen to the next without applications or menus being refreshed. So far so good. More pics after the jump.

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