The most powerful Wi-Fi router allowed by law

I get a kick out of stuff that’s the most something-or-other allowed by law. For almost $300, though, I think the most powerful router is a little excessive. Also, it’s got "Extreme" in the name, which I find a bit presumptuous and overplayed.

People who own places large enough to necessitate the use of such a device likely won’t flinch at the price, though. "Chump change!" they’ll laugh over martinis and fancy wafers.

Anyway, it’s an 802.11b/g wireless router that puts out 30dBm, which is actually pretty impressive considering most high gain extender antennas that you can buy for your regular router top out at under 10dBm. You’ll enjoy a signal that’s "almost a quarter mile." No word on what this device will do to your little swimmers, though.

Extreme Range WiFi Router [ThinkGeek]

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