iPhone firmware 1.1.2 coming at you tomorrow: Beware, unlockers

Tomorrow could mark yet another showdown between Apple and the iPhone unlockers. Firmware 1.1.2 “drops” (look, I’m using words that young people use!) tomorrow on iTunes and brings only the slightest of changes, including better special character support. Yes, boring, I know. The real fun is that it’ll probably re-lock, if not brick, jailbroken iPhones. That will lead to about a week of “we’ve almost cracked 1.1.2” stories floating about.

The constant tit for tat between Apple and the unlockers just doesn’t want to go away. Maybe Android will convince Apple to open its phone, or at least not be such jerks about it.

Apple confirms international 1.1.2 iPhone update to Pocket-lint [Pocket-link.co.uk via Gizmodo]

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