Alenty winds funding for blog influence widget

Alenty, a French provider of web 2.0 marketing tools, has won a funding round of 370,000Euros from unnamed private angel investors in the UK and France. Co-founded by two experts of Internet audience measurement, formerly at NetValue and NetRatings, Alenty develops tools to optimise sites, automatically detecting the most important and influential members of a community (blog, online magazine, forum etc.) Their Who’s Hot product then analyses their behavior. I haven’t had time to go into the fundamentals of the service, but basically you put a line of code onto your site and it generates a widget similar to MyBlogLog. This ranks your readers in terms on influence. Think MyBlogLog meets Google Analytics meets Am I Hot or Not. Alenty is currently targeting professional blogs and media sites where you can comment. There’s more coverage today on TechCrunch France (in French).

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