Mom gives Microsoft CEO a stern lecture about Vista

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Unless, of course, that woman is also a mother. Then the fury the likes of which hell hath no (?) is actually a bit worse. Such was the case today at a conference in Orlando when supermom/analyst Yvonne Genovese let Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer know what she thinks about Vista.

Her reasons for disliking Vista are pretty much the same as every other complaint we’ve been hearing about the operating system so far and Ballmer did a fine job of pulling things like end user, value, early adoption, customer feedback, and security out of his buzzword arsenal to defend Vista.

So not a lot of new complaints here but an interesting read nonetheless. It’s also kind of amusing to see people get bent out of shape at various company bigwigs who perhaps aren’t used to being yelled at all that often.

Mother’s ire puts Ballmer on defense over Vista [Computerworld]

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