Facebook Vs ConnectU: "Facebook Makes Untrue Assertions" Claims ConnectU

The long running saga of claims and counter claims between Facebook and ConnectU hit court today with an initial setback for ConnectU.

The case before the San Jose Federal Court was not the allegations that Mark Zuckerberg stole ConnectU’s code and idea to create Facebook, but Facebook’s counter claim that ConnectU illegally hacked into Facebook in 2004, stole email addresses then used those addresses to attempt to entice Facebook users to sign up to ConnectU.

ConnectU denied the claims and asked Judge Richard Seeborg to dismiss the suit, claiming “Facebook makes untrue assertions.” The Judge said that he was reluctant to dismiss the case given earlier court rulings, however he would take the matter under advisement and issue a decision at a future date.

See our previous coverage of Facebook vs ConnectU here and here.

(via ABC News)

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