Lookin' For Some (iPod) Touch? Best Buy Just Got Them

I just got home from picking up a laptop at my local Best Buy store and, while cruising over to check out the MP3 player selection, I happened upon this little number.

According to the sales guy I talked to, most of the stores around the Minneapolis/St. Paul area got them in this afternoon, special delivery. This was confirmed by a manager I spoke with who said, “They came in this afternoon and I heard yelling in the back of the store. People were kinda freaking out. We had no idea we were getting them. It kind of works like the Nintendo Wii. They just ship stuff to us whenever they have more stock and we put it out on the floor. No warning.”

The guy I spoke with told me that the stores around the metro area only had the 16GB version in stock but that some of the more rural locations had a few 8GB units. The whole deal kind of happened under the radar so if you’ve been patiently waiting until the end of September, they’re here now, Best Buy has ’em, and nobody really knows that Best Buy has ’em yet.

Unboxing and review coming soon.

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