Back to School 2007: Real College Student Advice from "John L"

In which our correspondent describes his daily activities at “school.”

My favorite electronic gear is probably my sidekick. I really like to have the internet handy wherever I go, and the keyboard on it is unparalleled. I have always wanted to check out the Helio Ocean, but the plans are more expensive, and you can’t multi-task as well as the sidekick. In addition i really like my DS lite, the screen is amazingly sharp and the games are extremely addictive. My laptop is coming in a week and im excited to get it. I ordered a Sager NP2090 and im hoping it’ll be a really good laptop so that i can play games and “do my homework and study”.

I bought my laptop, a whole bunch of new clothes, a used car, a new ds lite and i got my sidekick replaced. I just want all my electronics to be in tiptop working order for this next school year because i have no idea how much time i will be spending on schoolwork and etc. I really hope that all the stuff i’ve bought will last me all year and more, but because technology is moving so fast, i think in two years it’ll be way outdated. =/

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