Back to School 2007: Real College Student Advice from "SafetyOBC"

My advice to every college student is:

NEVER, EVER be the first to pass out drunk!! With friends like those you make in college, You could wake up mysteriously outside the girls dorm, stripped naked and completely shaven. It could be a long walk back to the dorm!

Spoken from experience, apparently.

My recommendation is to keep a daily eye on Woot [They also sell great wine on there… provided you’re over 21. Ahem. – JB]

Woot has some great deals on some cool gadgets from MP3 players, PC peripherals, headphones, and tons more cool items featured daily! (1 item per day posted at midnight).

Woot can be a students best friend because they sell these items at huge discounts most of the time, and we all know you have to keep all the extra money you can for food and ummmm, your beverage of choice.

I recently bought a cheap MP3 player for less than half price. Regularly $70, I paid $20 shipped!! I needed a decent MP3 player that I could “abuse” during workouts, etc. and not have to worry about damaging.

Also, this is likely known, but students can get a decent discount through the store on various items. Also a free [old] iPod Nano (not the new Nano!) with mail in rebate if you buy a Mac before the 16th of Sept.

Also, there is a great website Lifetips.

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