Back to School 2007: Real College Student Advice from "JL"

Here are two tips:

1.) If you’re 23 and decide to take a beginner’s Japanese class at a local community college, be prepared for the onslaught of 18 year old ass hats who apparently know all there is to know about life, and are so hilarious that they should make a “funny” comment in class every thirty seconds. I mean, after spending almost $200 on books and another $150 on registration, all I want is for some lame ass to waste my time and prevent me from learning a new language.
2.) Taking a yoga class is a great way to have a class where the male to female ratio is about one guy for every ten girls. However, if you can barely touch your shins without bending your knees, and you’re as flexible as a dried up twig, don’t expect things to go just the way you imagined/hoped they would. If you find yourself falling over every 15 seconds and you are gasping for air as the chubby girl who weighs 180lbs outdoes you, it is not impressive and just plain sad.

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