Feedjit Customized Widget Shows Real Time SiteTraffic

FEEDJIT Live traffic Map

The Feedjit traffic widget launched a month ago and is now claiming some fairly serious viral growth – 3 million impressions per week from the blogs that have added it. When installed on a blog, the widget shows people who enter and leave the site and, and where they are located. Neither the blog publisher nor visitors need to register for the service – the code just has to be on the site.

Feedjit offers two types of widgets. The first resembles MyBlogLog in that it shows recent visitors to the site. I’ve installed it at the end of the post. Tonight the company added customization features to let people set the size and color scheme of the widget via Ajax controls. “Arring Town,” shown below, is my favorite for obvious reasons.

The second widget, integrated at the top of the post, shows a map with the location of the last 100 visitors. Hover over any dot to get more information about a person.

This is an excellent widget and is much easier to use than MyBlogLog. If Feedjit can keep growing at this rate, though, perhaps an early exit is also in the cards for them. There’s only so much extra space on a site, though, and there are simply too many “must have” widgets. It’s all gotta end sometime.

FEEDJIT Live traffic feed

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