Nerds Ruin the Spiritual BioShock Experience, Compare Console/PC/Blah Blah

I played a bit of Bioshock last weekend and I loved it. It was a great amalgam of Ayn Rand, Half-Life, big monsters, and Hexen-like burninating. Good stuff. Well, the NERDS at bit-tech compared all of the versions, finding that the game plays better on the blah blah blah with X gigaworts of booble flarkles running DX102.32 and Windows Vista Ultimate Bioshock Edition for XBox 360. Booooring!

Ultimately, however, it’s a massively in-depth look at one of the better games of the year and they really do go in-depth, which is a cool study in how graphics engines differ overall. Check it out. But go play the game, too.

BioShock: Gameplay, Graphics & Performance [Bit-Tech]

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