Hitachi and Alarion Working on Mobile WiMAX Jointly

Japanese and other oversea markets will soon enjoy the collaborative efforts of Hitachi and Alvarion at 2.5 MHz. The Hitachi and Alvarion project will develop a Broadband Mobile Wireless Access System using WiMAX technology. WiMAX technology needs both a base station, which transmits broadband data, and mobile management technology, which handles handover between base stations. Thus the two companies compliment each other in these areas.

Alvarion’s expertise in base station WiMAX and broadband wireless systems will combine with Hitachi Com’s mobile gateway, construction and maintenance experience. Hitachi Com is developing ASN-GW, which will increase the speed and efficiency of traffic flow. Alvarion is developing smaller and more efficient base stations. These will use 30% less power and weigh 50% less.

If smaller, faster and more fuel-efficient wireless systems can be built in Japan, we may see them here in North America. I seem to remember something in history about smaller and more fuel-efficient cars…


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