Logitech VX Nano Mouse

Looking for a notebook mouse that doesn’t suck? Might want to peep Logitech’s latest offering, the VX Nano Cordless Laser Mouse. With a reported six months of battery life on just two AAA batteries, this mouse is great for just leaving in your travel bag. The USB receiver is almost microscopic when compared to others on the market. So far, we’re lookin’ good here.

Word is that the mouse itself isn’t too shabby either. I use a $15 Logitech on my iMac and I absolutely love it. But it probably pales in comparison to a laser-based mouse that costs $70. Either way, free up your 2.4GHz spectrum (no cordless phones for you!) this August when the VX Nano drops.

Logitech VX Nano Cordless Laser Mouse for Notebooks (video) [Notebooks.com]

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