Craigslist Fills Up With Would-be iPhone Line Waiters

Friday some sort of cellphone will be released in such a fashion that requires you to wait in line. But you don’t want to wait in line—that’d be silly. Plus, your time is infinitely more valuable than that. Your choices are to forego buying the phone, wait in line, or pay someone to wait in line for you. CNET spent some time trolling Craiglist not for “time and companionship between consenting adults” but for wacky and/or not-wacky ads wherein people sell their time to help you snag an iPhone. One I liked…

Professional Line waiter for Iphone – $250. “Attention all apple fanboys/girls, are you interested in the apple’s newest gadget, the iPhone? Do you want to avoid the long lines, and be reserved a spot near the front? Well I am offering the perfect service for you: I will arrive at the Dedham at&t at whatever time you request, starting from 6 p.m thurday night, to anytime after that. My fee will depend on what time you have me start at, anywhere between $250 and $300. At sometime around 5:30, we will swap places, allowing you to be near the front! Here is how payment will work, meet me there when I am starting my campout, and pay me half. After that, at around 5:30, you will give me the other half, and we will switch spots in line. Please respond.”

For the record, I shall not wait in any line for any man to help him score an iPod. It goes against my very constitution.

iPhone takes over Craigslist [CNET]

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