CTIA: Text To Save Lives

In case you missed it this past week was National Wireless Safety Week, and the CTIA-The Wireless Association, and the wireless industry, wants to remind Americans that texting can help save a life. The Wireless AMBER Alert initiative is a good example of how text messages can be used to help others.

“Last year, 158 billion text messages were sent in the U.S. alone, which is up 95% from 2005,” said Steve Largent, President and CEO of CTIA-The Wireless Association. “This translates into approximately 300,000 text messages per minute. Moreover, 94% of all text messages are opened and read, something that can be critical in emergency situations when it’s important for the recipient to be aware of the information in a text message.”

Additionally, the CTIA wants to alert wireless users that text messages are the best means of contacting loved ones during a disaster or emergency. These messages use less data than a digital phone call, and thus won’t put the same strain on a communications network. Plus if network coverage is low in a remote area, text messages can be a more effective way to communicate. Finally, the CITA would like to remind all wireless users that there is a time and place for using a mobile phone. Don’t text and drive!

Wireless Amber Alerts
CTIA: “Text”book Wireless Safety

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