Whole Lotta HD Channels For Comcast

Comcast has treated me pretty decently to be honest. I can’t complain that much about its service and the programming lineup on TV has been enjoyable. I was hoping Comcast would add some more channels to its HD lineup and apparently my wish is coming true. The company is promising up to a total of 400 HD channels by the end of this year, with more to come. By 2008, Comcast says it will offer over 800 channels of HD programming, which is absolutely nuts and awesome.

Looks like companies such as DirecTV, CableVision, and Time-Warner will have to come up with something to one up Comcast. I mean if you own a HDTV, you know damn well that non-HD programming looks like crap. I fully welcome this decision by Comcast and would even pay a premium to ensure I could access all 800 channels of HD. Nice work, Comast. You’ve done well.

Comcast promises 400 HD Channels this year and 800 in 2008 [BGR]

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