Graphics Comparison: Xbox 360 vs. PS3

Which system has the better graphics, the Xbox 360 or the PlayStation 3? Clearly it’s an important topic that needs to be addressed and GameSpot did just that. This is the second graphics comparison it has done, coming six months after the first. The idea is that, six months ago, the PS3 was still shiny and new and relatively unknown to developers in comparison to the already year-old Xbox 360. Now that more time has passed, which system pumps out the bestest graphics?

As you might expect, it’s a wash. The differences between the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of the game are so minimal it’s hardly noticeable. For example, in MLB2K7

Do you see any real difference between the two? I see that the fans in the background aren’t wearing sunglasses in the PS3 version. Also, el Sr. Hernandez looks fatter in the PS3 version.

Or how about Oblivion?

Well, they’re noticeably different, sure, but can you say one’s better than the other? Part of the problem with this is that, since we’re looking at screenshots, we’re automatically walking in with an L. The best way to compare them is to look at the two systems side by side.

Otherwise, we’re just looking at fuzzy pics on a monitor, thinking, “uh, I think it looks better…”

Xbox 360 Versus PlayStation 3 Graphics Comparison: Round 2 [Gamespot]

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