A Sad, Sad Day In Science

I awoke this morning refreshed, ready to work and take on the day. As I sat down and browsed the news, my heart began to sink. I discovered that Mr. Wizard had died. Yes, my beloved Mr. Wizard, whose show was on at 5am every weekday, has passed away at the age of 89 and is now in better place. I feel like a part of my childhood will always be missing now.

Also known as Don Herbert, the Wiz had one of the coolest TV shows ever. You’d get up at 5am during elementary school, turn the TV on quietly, and would watch Nickelodeon all morning. Mr. Wizard was always the first program to air and some of the science experiments he performed were pretty wild. One thing is sure though, Don Herbert will surely be missed by all and science will never be the same without him.

Don Herbert, 89; TV’s ‘Mr. Wizard’ taught science to young baby boomers [LA Times]

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