CrunchGear at Apple's WWDC Keynote

Just a note to you, sports fans. Yours truly will be live blogging the Steve Jobs keynote on Monday morning at 10:00 a.m. PST right here on this nice blog of ours. We’ve got some pretty dope tools to make it a fun day, so we hope you’ll join us.

His Steveness will most likely be talking about secrets. For weeks we’ve been speculating and guessing about what secrets lay behind the iPhone. And we’ve been trying in vain to divine what’s ahead for Leopard. On Monday, we’re likely to find out both.

Other blogs (*koffgizgadgetenmodokoff*) might give you the play by play, but we’re different. Look for my expert analysis as well as signs of my cutting wit. That means you can expect jokes about that criminal Paris mixed in with my geekgasms of joy.

We’ll see you here on Monday, friends. You don’t want to miss this. Seriously.

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