Study Says UK Mobile Being Used in WC

Smoking might not be the only reason for long bathroom breaks in the UK. Cellular News is reporting that many Brits are using their handsets in toilets to bypass office rules on Internet usage. The nationwide study by T-Mobile found that more than one quarter of the UK’s workforce is still deprived of Web access and are turning to the Internet on their mobile phone. The study also found that 23% of employees were subject to bans from social network sites and 11% were banned from using Web-based e-mail.

In response T-Mobile has begun a “Set the Internet Free” campaign that is encouraging customers to try the Web’n’Walk Service. And while the study suggests that 25% of consumers were aware that they had an Internet service on their handsets but didn’t know how to use it. That could mean a line for the bathroom once they figure it out.

Brits Using Mobile Phones in Toilets to Bypass Office Internet Restrictions [Cellular News]

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