Cellular-WiFi Blackberriage on the Horizon

RIM is getting into the WiFi/Cell crossover ring, and it’s about time. In a call with investors earlier this week, RIM’s CEO Jim Balsillie (that name is always so fun to type) announced that later this year, we’ll be writing about a WiFi-enabled Blackberry. Why is this exciting? It means better rates on corporate plans as the cellular carriers have to start competing with not only themselves, but free WiFi too. Also, carriers with WiFi infrastructures like T-Mobile will have another way to generate revenue and services to offer.

We’re not sure exactly when this year we’re likely to see these new handsets, but since Blackberrys are somehow a popular Christmas gifts, look for an October timeframe for the rumors, followed shortly after by speculation, then well-placed leaks, then confirmation, and lastly release and disappointment.

RIM to launch cellular/WiFi Blackberry [Phone Scoop]

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