Legless Chihuahuas Prove Google Hot Trends Not So Hot

Google has launched a new addition to its growing lineup of…well everything, Google Hot Trends.

Google Trends takes the idea behind Google Zeitgeist to the next level. Instead of providing weekly details of top Google searches, Google Hot Trends provides similar data daily and goes as far as providing “hot” search results via state, city and country.

The data though isn’t top search results. According to Search Engine Land the data shows “hot trends” as the services name would the suggest. The hottest queries for the day are calculated by a “sophisticated algorithm” that takes in factors such as a sudden rise in a query phrase over previous periods.

Anything that is solely reliant on computer calculations is bound to have hiccups. In the case of Hot Trends for May 21 (US) those hiccups included “legless chihuahuas” at 25, but not forgetting that you may only be interested in one legless dog, “legless chihuahua” is at 36; the ultimate handbag accessory perhaps? Pretzel syndrome (33) might be cured by using a nose bidet (7) however “what did lawyer ellis rubin suggest prison inmates could donate in exchange for reduction in their sentences in 1992” (26) may provide a hidden answer. Tasmania Tigers (45) may not get pigeon breast disease (43) but cicadas (23) are prone to issues.

It’s very early days for Hot Trends. It’s easy to have fun with it, however any new Google release, like wine, is sure to improve with age.

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